Discover Your Power and Control by Investing in Notes
Don't Miss Out on Learning:
  • How to create real wealth with Real Estate backed Non-Performing Notes
  • ​Where to find more capital to fund your deals
  • ​How to maximize your success in your Real Estate Note business
  • ​How to avoid pitfalls that could hurt your bottom line
  • ​How to create a steady stream of continuous passive income
  • ​The hidden power of Real Estate Note Investing
  • ​How to be the bank, and make money the way banks do!!!
Why Investing in Non-Performing 
Real Estate Notes Should Be Your #1 Investing Strategy
  • Minimize Risk: You can buy at big discounts and create equity, thus minimizing risk, no matter the market condition
  • Generate Streams of Income & Cash: Note investing allows you to generate both streams of monthly income and chunks of cash in the same investment, giving you more flexibility
  • Double Strategies: Note investing allows you to create both long term strategies and short term to meet all of your goals.
  • Freedom: You can invest in notes and control your investments from anywhere in the world (even while travelling). You are not tied to any one location. 
  • ​Control: You can control the outcome. You don't have to rely on others performance for your bottom line (which means more profit and higher control). 
  • Mitigate Risk: You have the flexibility of deploying your capital in different markets and different geographical locations or economic zones. You aren't tied to one 'area'. 
  • Multiple Exit Strategies: It's the only investing strategy that gives you over 23 exit strategies at your disposal. That means over 23 ways to close out the deal and make money that fits your long term or short term goals faster. 
  • Help More People: Imagine being able to help others stay in their homes AND make amazing profit while doing so! 

ONLY $597

After Completing The Building Wealth with Notes On-Demand Course You Will Know....
  • ​How to be successful in Note investing, no matter your real estate investing experience level
  • ​​How to acquire property the “back door” way with almost no competition
  • What ​Due Diligence steps you must take to protect your investment
  • ​How to control the outcome of your investment (and why it's good to become the Bank!)
  • ​How to build your team to set you up for success (collaboration is key!)
  • ​How to find, fund and successfully exit a Note

What's Included

Notes Introductory Overview

  • What are notes, why 1st position notes and why banks sell
  • Note investment market and opportunities
  • Note process overview

How To Fund Notes

  • How to fund notes in creative ways 
  • ​Finding Money - it's not as hard as you may think!
  • ​Staying in compliance when Raising Private Capital

How To Find And Evaluate Notes

  • Where to find notes
  • Evaluating candidates notes
  • Your Team, and why have them? Loss Mitigation and Servicing Teams
  • ​Note Workout
  • ​Exit strategies

Scalable Note 
Pool Example

  • I share a scalable 5 note joint venture scenarios
  • ​Show potential returns
  • ​Plus common questions answered

How To Secure 
Your Investment

  • How to Secure Your Investment
  • Performing Detailed Due Diligence to Mitigate Your Risk
  • Perfecting the note title

Buying The Note 
And Beyond

  • Note Purchase and Sale Agreement
  • ​Collateral Documents
  • ​Insuring Your Investment
  • ​Property Preservation & Property Taxes
  • ​Setting Up The Note File

Brent Kessler - 
Money Multiplier

  • How to fund notes notes in creative ways
  • ​Become your OWN Bank!
  • ​How to finance anything you want and become your own Bank to do it!

Hands On Actual Notes Analysis

  • How to Secure Your Investment
  • Performing Detailed Due Diligence to Mitigate Your Risk
  • Perfecting the note title


  • Judicial vs. Non-Judicial FC States 
  • ​Tax Collector Script
  • ​Comparable Calculator
  • ​Single Note Analysis Tool 
  • ​Workbook


  • 2021 Migration Map
  • ​US Tax Lien vs Deed Map
  • ​Build Your Team 2022 Vendor Resource List
  • ​BWWN Acronyms and Abbreviations List
Once you understand How to Profit from "Becoming the Bank" you can create a steady stream of passive income or generate chunks of cash! All through the power of Note Investing!
Here are a few clips of our past LIVE workshops…
What Are Notes?
Where To Find Notes?
Where To Find Distressed Paper?
Retirement and You
Hi, my name is Paige Panzarello,
and some know me best as the "Cashflow Chick." I've been in real estate investing for 27 years. I've done just about everything there is to do in real estate investing. I've owned a construction company (with over 36 employees), been a property manager, invested in tax liens, tax deeds, fix and flip, wholesaling, and believe it or not... have even owned a sewer treatment plant. I've worn many hats as a real estate investor...
Paige Panzarello
I was making a lot of money at a very young age and honestly, I was feeling pretty successful--at least on the outside. But the truth is, it almost killed me!!! I was working 18-19 hours a day, EVERY DAY, 7-DAYS A WEEK! And I kept that crazy pace up to the crash of 2007-2008. The crash for me was very painful: I call it an incredibly difficult learning experience, but also a blessing in disguise.
This is where investing in Non-Performing Real Estate Notes comes in. 
It allowed me to control my destiny and I want to help you control yours!
When you master the art of Real Estate Note Investing, you control your own destiny, or as I like to say, "Your Wealth Destiny". You can solve more problems, for and with people, and make more money doing it! The best part is freedom and fun helping homeowners, and your investors to succeed!! There just isn't anything like it!

I guess you could say I was born to be a Real Estate Note Investor. Holding this special course is part of my way of giving back to help you discover, What is YOUR What, so you can SUCCEED in Your Why. 

Now is the time to join me on the path to Financial Freedom!

To your success,
Are you ready to learn how YOU can become the Bank?
Come enroll in this On Demand Course and learn how YOU can 
Build Wealth with Non-Performing Notes by Becoming the Bank!
Questions? Email

Only $597
  • My Complete Building Wealth With Notes Workshop Training Videos
    -Judicial vs. Non-Judicial FC States
    -Tax Collector Script
    -Comparable Calculator
    -Single Note Analysis Tool
    -2021 Migration Map
    -US Tax Lien vs Deed Map
    -Build Your Team 2022 Vendor Resource List
    -BWWN Acronyms and Abbreviations List

What Past Graduates Had To Say...
Debbie Berger
“I was fortunate to meet Paige and Joseph and attend their note training class this weekend. It was one of the best classes that I’d ever been to. I was intrigued with the amount of information they conveyed and just amazed at what note investing is all about. I feel that the information that they conveyed in the training class has prepared me to start my note investing career. I’m looking forward to working with Paige and Joseph and I am thankful for all of the networking that I was able to do with the students in the class this weekend.” 
"I just attending the conference with Paige and Joseph and I really enjoyed the experience on multiple fronts. First and foremost, as a student investor in Notes, it gave me the opportunity to really open my eyes and broaden my mind as to what Notes can possible mean to me and my family. Secondly, the presentation was such that it made it easy to follow along and grasp the concepts. And third, I enjoyed the environment to meet other investors and learn about programs and websites that I never knew existed. I looking forward in taking the next step to becoming a Note investor."
Tom Jovicich
Don't you want to Control Your Financial Future?
Join Us Now! Enroll TODAY!
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